Hello, and thanks for taking the time to stop and glance at my article. We should be about five weeks into the new year by the time you are reading this. First things first — let’s take time to give thanks for all that we have.
A Message from the Chairperson
You Aren’t Buying Me Lunch
It Goes Without Saying
As we were heading into the month of August, the trustees of the RMT were preparing for our third quarter meeting. By the time you read this, that meeting will have already happened. We met in the city of Irvine. I always reach out to the trustees before the meeting just to make certain we […]
Askin’ for a Little Help
Now Serving — A Slice of Heaven
Run Marty, It’s the Libyans
Don’t Fall Back, Fall Forward
Your RMT Questions, Answered
A Message from the Chairperson
Hello. My name is Terry A. Moore. I sit as the Chairperson for the PORAC Retiree Medical Trust. Welcome, and thanks for stopping by on our website. We are truly excited to have you visiting us, looking for more information on the RMT.
Already Participating? Please Read This

We are heading into the fourth quarter of 2020 with riots, anarchy, civil unrest, racial tensions, unbelievably poor legislation, violent attitudes toward law enforcement, COVID-19 and a presidential election. For me, the real topper was the cancellation of our annual Conference of Members. I think we are all a bit numb just thinking about it all.