Howdy, and a hearty welcome from the PORAC Retiree Medical Trust.
Status Check
We are one of three trusts associated with PORAC. Yes, we are the youngest of the three trusts, but we are strong and full of energy. Having formed in 2008, we have come a very long way. We now have 52 participating associations with over 5,600 active participants. As of the first week in September, our economic portfolio is sitting at more than $84 million. It has been a fantastic journey the last 13 years.
The Sidelines
As chairperson for the last decade, I have been able to watch how associations have viewed our existence. It would seem that, initially, many association leaders were content to sit back and watch our progress — and for that, I applaud their governance of their members’ money. It would make no sense whatsoever to invest in something that wasn’t worthwhile. Good association directors do their research before committing.
At present, the RMT is chugging right along. As crazy as it might seem, during the COVID pandemic, we grew incredibly — much like a spring wildflower in the bright sun. I don’t really have much of an explanation for the super growth. It seems that it just happened, and we are grateful. Included with this article is a chart that reflects our growth beginning in 2013, so you can see the progress for yourself. What it tells me is that association leaders on the sidelines are taking notice of what we are, what we offer and how that can be a benefit for their members.
Want More Info?
We can certainly make arrangements to provide you with more information. And we are able to make that happen in several different ways. The RMT might seem structurally like a business, but more than that, we are an opportunity. We exist to help support members of PORAC. Our paid staff consists primarily of five different service providers. Beyond that, you will find a cadre of volunteers. We are structured in the genuinely tried-and-true “PORAC Model.”
Who Should You Contact?
Contained within this article is a listing of each of the five RMT trustees, along with their email address and telephone number. And as always, you can reach out to me 24/7, any day of the week. We look forward to helping you decide if the RMT is a good fit for your association.
Which Way to Fall
A well-known, well-respected Hollywood actor recently offered his opinions about life. One of the points he made was about falling. He said that falling forward is a much better concept than falling back. His take was that falling forward typically offers you the opportunity to see where you are going to land. The RMT tries to never fall. But let’s face it, there are very few perfect things in life. I believe that the RMT really seems to be in lockstep with the “fall forward” concept. We always strive to map out our direction in order to best serve our members.
Help Us Help You
Please, whether you are a retiree or an active participant, we need your help. Oftentimes we lose contact with you, primarily due to a lack of a good mailing address. It is paramount that we have your current address in order to stay in contact. If you haven’t done so, please visit here and register for access to your personal account. Once you do so, you will be able to keep us informed as to changes in your address, phone number, email address, dependents, etc. Getting registered really only takes a few minutes, and it makes life so much easier for our third-party administrator.
Contact Info
Feel free to reach me at (530) 588-5117 or CPOAPrez@sbcglobal.net.