Hello, and thanks for taking the time to stop and glance at my article. We should be about five weeks into the new year by the time you are reading this.
First things first — let’s take time to give thanks for all that we have. I’ll take a shot at it.
- PORAC: As the largest law enforcement agency in the state of California, they represent our interests and they certainly have our back — cops helping and supporting cops and firefighters.
- Legal Defense Fund: Without LDF, the difficult job of police work might easily become an impossible one — cops helping cops and firefighters.
- Insurance & Benefits Trust: IBT provides excellent opportunities to subscribe to a variety of high-quality insurance plans — cops offering help to other cops and firefighters.
- Association leaders: They come in all shapes and sizes. We are grateful that they show up to help out their brothers and sisters in this tough job environment — cops and firefighters in a mentoring capacity.
- Retiree Medical Trust: The RMT offers a gateway opportunity to prepare for the high costs of medical expenses during our retirement years — cops and firefighters paving the way in retirement.
- Friends and family: Without them, we clearly would have a rough time doing our jobs.
- Faith: Whatever you might believe in, faith is an integral component part of most of our playbooks.
And so, I started out my new year being thankful for what I have and super appreciative of all my solid teammates. Giving thanks can generate a sense of comfort. Sometimes people ponder thoughts of heaven, likely a very good place to go. As Kenny Chesney sings in his 2008 song that topped the country charts, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go now.”
Nobody does, and so we chart, make long-range plans, and devise ways and incorporate strategies to hang around on the right side of the dirt for as long as possible. With forethought and proper planning, hopefully it will be a long time before we make that final trip.
But while we are here on this earth, one must necessarily address the fact that health insurance premiums and medical care expenses are, unfortunately, going to gobble up a sizeable chunk of those future pension checks. Right there is exactly where the RMT can step into the picture and help you plan for that eventuality.
Last September, the RMT celebrated our 14th birthday. Now, with nearly 60 associations and 5,600 members strong, it would seem that the good word is beginning to spread. The PORAC Retiree Medical Trust is helping our participants plan for their retirement.
We are set up to do the heavy lifting. With five trustees, myriad association leaders and a group of six service providers, we are dialed in and know what to do in order to make the program successful now and in the years to come.
You might be asking what your association needs to do in order to join. If you are an association leader, give us a call. If you are an association member, speak to your association leaders and ask them to call us. We will provide you with the necessary information to help all of your members make an informed decision as to whether or not the RMT is a good option for you. Our goal is for you to plan now for your medical expenses in the future. We hope that includes the RMT.
I’m happy to announce that we have two associations joining the RMT in the first quarter of 2023. They are the San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (President Carlos Tapia) and the San Mateo County Organization of Sheriff’s Sergeants (President Hector Acosta). Both presidents assisted in the joining process, with a large amount of the research and hard work done by D.J. Wozniak. Thanks to all three for making it happen.